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Realme Laptop price leak,pubg coming to india,foldable iphones to comesoon.........


Realme Laptops price to be under 30k

RealMEOW laptop to be under 30 thousand price bracket,since last year due to all this pandemic things laptops are in more demand and last year as hint given by madhav seth  (CEO Realme India),that realme will also bring laptop to india if people want, and now they are coming super soon to india , there was a possibility that these laptop would have launched in the cancel event of realme which was expected on 4th may.


Foldable iphone to launch in 2023!!

Apple to bring foldable 8 inch screen size iphone in 2023,these would be similar to the Samsung foldable phones,but yeah it would cost a lot than samsung’s phones as well as the previous iphones so apple lover be ready to sell your kidney ( just kidding)


Vaccination centres location on whatsapp bot

Now you don’t need to go on Cowin app to find vaccination centres near you,just save the number 9013151515 and type anything it will give you different options to choose.


Pubg mobile to come in india soon!!

Pubg is all set to come in india again but there are some rumors that it will be now Battleground Mobile India, as it has changed all things related to privacy policy and also the Chinese counter part which was there in pubg , tencent is now out from the operations and all the data is to be stored in india so this name change was a must step so the government can approve them.


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